A Blogger’s Splendor :: Molly from A Few of my Favorite Things
Now that I’m trough with the majority of my travels for summer (sigh) and I’m firmly planted in the land of wifi, I’m resuming the new Blogger’s Splendor posts! What better way to get into the swing of things than with Molly of A Few of My Favorite Things! Not only is she absolutely gorgeous, but she has a precious family, and she’s lives in my town of Dallas! Somehow we’ve never met, but I adore her blog & couldn’t help but share her with you… Here’s to cocktails or a playdate soon! Without further ado, here is what makes for Molly’s splendor…
WEAR :: it’s a tie between my rose gold watch and my new fedora. i’m pretty much in love with both.
MAKE :: making crafts with my boys is my favorite. they just recently tried out acrylic paints on canvas. that was pure fun.
NEST :: awesome his + her pillows.
EAT :: i love sugar and picking a favorite dessert for me would be like asking me to choose my favorite child. i love pie… and cake and cookies. and the list could go on.
LISTEN :: silence. although i enjoy listening to music, it is not often i enjoy a perfectly quiet drive. that is golden.
WATCH :: modern family. my husband and i laugh out loud each time we watch an episode. it is pee in your pants funny!
READ :: i geek out over Harry Potter. i don’t think i will ever tire of the books & i totally look forward to the day i can read them with my boys.
VISIT :: i’d love to travel the world someday but my favorite place i have visited would have to be Australia.
WRITE :: i have a soft spot for paper. one of my favorites is Linda & Harriett.
LOVE :: my little family of five. [Photo by Auburn Soul Photography]
Thanks so much for being on Hello, Splendor, Molly!!
Please hop on over to Molly’s blog, A Few of My Favorite Things, and see why I adore her!
Happy Friday!! Have a fabulous fun-filled weekend!

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