Forbes – The Best Highly-Rated Bathroom Mirrors to Upgrade Your Space


Forbes – July 21, 2021
By: Ashley Abramson

The Best Highly-Rated Bathroom Mirrors to Upgrade Your Space






Time to upgrade your bathroom mirror? Choosing the right one isn’t necessarily a simple job. A bathroom mirror is equal parts decorative and functional, which means your decision will boil down to more than just how the mirror looks. Plus, like you would with a piece of furniture, you’ll need to make sure the new bathroom mirror actually fits in your bathroom.

Not quite sure where to begin in your quest for a brand-new bathroom mirror? According to Beth Dotolo, principal designer at Pulp Design Studios, there are actually quite a few things to think about before making a choice on a bathroom mirror. Start by asking yourself questions about your needs. Think about your current mirror, and any way you’d want to change it to make it more functional. For example, if steam is a problem in your bathroom, you might want a fog-free mirror. If you’re short on storage, you could choose a bathroom mirror with a built-in medicine cabinet. And if you put on makeup in front of your bathroom mirror, choose an option that pivots for easy application. Once you identify any problems, you can pick an option that makes your life–and your time in the bathroom–easier.

See the full article.