
Pulp Turns 5 Today!

illustration by jan avendano

Today marks a very special day for Carolina & I. Five years ago two best friends formed a legal partnership… a little interior design company we like to call Pulp Design Studios.

Five years ago today, we both worked for a commercial design firm that we were both really unhappy at and we decided to make a choice to ready ourselves for something bigger and better. Rather than diving head first, we took small steps. We formed a legal business, took on interior design clients ‘on the side’, and more than anything gave ourselves a sense of empowerment and hope that one day we would design the way we wanted to design…. run our business the way we thought a business should be run… and work to achieve a sense of self-fulfillment that we simply weren’t finding under the wings of others.

Though we’ve had clients throughout the past five years, it was really just last year we both made the jump to focusing on our business full-time. In the past year and a half Pulp Design Studios has exceeded our wildest expectations. We have clients all over the country, from East Coast to West Coast and even beyond the 48 states. We have two design studios, in Dallas & Seattle. We have an amazing staff of great designers & friends. We have received some amazing accolades from publications and industry people that we admire. And, all of it started by planting a seed and cautiously building up to our dreams (followed by a lot of hard work, of course!).

I am so proud of our company, our clients, and the relationships we’ve built (which includes you who are reading this since you’ve watched it all unfold on this little blog over the past couple of years). And, I am so proud to have built it with my best friend (and, pretty proud that we actually still love each other!). I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of pride and humility as I sit here typing this blog post and think back to where we started.

Sometimes it doesn’t have to be all or nothing when you want something better for yourself.

It’s truly amazing what can happen when you just take that one small first step…

…….. Happy 5 Years, Pulp Design Studios! ……..

Pulp Design Studios
