The Splendid List :: Holiday Gift Guide :: Helena of A Diary of Lovely
The next Splendid List Holiday Gift Guide is by the lovely Helena from A Diary of Lovely! If you haven’t read her blog, you really must. She is amazing and her blog never disappoints!!
Thank you so much for having me here Beth!
Gifts lists are always fun to put together and I had fun with this one as I left my imagination fly.
Happy Holidays all!
xo, Helena
“That’s a tricky one, because there are thousands of lovely things to gift a woman but it’s also pretty easy to get it absolutely wrong. Now, if it were a man and he can afford it I would go for jewelry, something classic and elegant. But now let’s all pretend there’s money to five and take and then my pick would be a fabulous bag that will be there for years to come. I would definitely pick the Sofia Coppola for LV satchel. Great shape, color and will last forever and ever.”
“Easy easy to get it wrong so my pick is simple, and Ipad. So difficult to go wrong with it. Right?”
“The first thing that comes to my mind is a cool pair of Hunter boots. Babies and kids looks absolutely adorable in these candy colored boots. But be careful, I bought them last year for my then 4 year old goddaughter and let me tell you her response was an absolute NO. So this year Im going for something from the Toys R Us catalogue to definitely get it right!
ps: she grew up to love them later and wore them all winter, but still!”
“A hair set! I remember my dog used to hate his bath and having his hair brushed, so a good set is probably a basic :)”
“Only 1 thing? Ha, I’m joking! I have been wanting a KitchenAid for a while now so I would go for that. I dont bake that often but I want to believe I would if I had the right equipment. And I’ve heard so many women and men speaking wonders so I think it’s time to go for it!”
Thanks so much for being a part of the Holiday Gift Guide on Hello, Splendor, Helena!!
And, please, go visit A Diary of Lovely for even more loveliness…

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