The Splendid List :: Holiday Gift Guide :: Rachel of Lovely Clusters
Hi lovely readers of hello, splendor! My name is Rachel and I blog over at Lovely Clusters and I am here today to show some of my favorite gift items. My goal was to show all handmade and vintage items from etsy but I somehow ended up at the mall too. I hope you enjoy them! 🙂
I think every woman wants to be given a “beautiful” pillow and who wouldn’t love these pretty hand warmers?
I don’t know about the men in your life but I know that my husband has a thing about his mug. Oh and when he order Baileys with coffee he always requests a mug. It feels much more manly to him then the froo froo glass they like to serve it in. 🙂 My husband is also a big Star Wars nerd (he was even Han Solo for Halloween) so I just know he would be stoked on this sweet light saber. If your husband isnt as nerdy as mine then you might be able to still find some awesome gifts from the same shop Urban Outfitters.
I was just browsing free people and came across “wee people” and oh my goodness so much precious clothes for the little one. This tiny sweater was my favorite. I sort of want it in my size. 🙂 I also love this sweet artwork from Sugar Fresh on etsy. She has more designs in her shop too!
I am a cat lover so I was thinking of my Murphy when choosing these items. Right now we have his litter box in our hallway closet and we have to keep it open at all times. Sometimes our guests don’t realize this and they like to close it for some reason which isn’t so great for my cat. I think it would be really cool to have this bench that stores the litterbox and I think my cat would really dig on it too. Much more stylish than the hallway closet. 🙂 Also this cat toy is extra special because the fish are filled with certified organic catnip. Yah!
My personal style is romantic and I adore vintage so pretty much anything from anthropologie works. I especially love this sweater for its pretty details and I just want to cuddle up in it. I also have a thing for vintage handbags and this one is especially up my alley.
Thank you so much Beth for having me! I hope you enjoyed my list!
Thanks so much for sharing your holiday gift picks, Rachel!!
I just love the concept of what she is doing… See for yourself.

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