The Splendid List :: Tax Time Splurge
“I have always wanted the 1958 molded plywood armchair by Norman Cherner. Although I’m not a midcentury purist or anything, I love its lines and shape and think it would be a great piece of sculpture sitting in my home. Not sure if I could let my kids climb all over it though!”
-Sundeep of Designwali
“I have been wanting to buy a pair of cute oxford flats for sometime now… So, I thought these would be a great way to splurge with my tax refund! These shoes will be a very versatile item in my closet. & I love the vintage touch that they bring to any outfit! Plus, they will be perfect for every season! I can’t wait to start wearing them!”
-Sarah of On the Brightside
“As a tax accountant, I eat take out often. Last year during a routine Chinese food lunch, I opened the fortune ‘Minutes are worth more than money. Spend them wisely.’ Some of the best advice I’ve ever received! Needless to say, the fortune is taped to my desk to read daily. So with my extra money, I would splurge on a glitzy Michael Kors watch that helps me savor my minutes more wisely.”
-Kate of Be Merry, Kate
“I fell for this bikini for a number of reasons.
1. The colours are bright and scream summer. It’s been a bit chilly in Oklahoma lately, so summer=good.
2. After seeing photos of the new Missoni hotel in Kuwait, I’m dying for a getaway. (I miss the Middle East like mad!) Considering my tax refund won’t come close to footing the bill for that excursion, I’ll take the next best thing.
3. Who doesn’t love Missoni? The fashion house’s knits have been in style for ages. This bikini will see me through several summers of lakes and hopefully soon a beach!”
-Carissa of Mean Maharani
Thanks ladies!!
Well, I would love to share what I plan on splurging on… but, I have yet to even begin my taxes!! I can assure you I will be paying the government money, but I may just splurge for something for myself in defiance. Raise your hand if you feel the same way!

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