
What I’m Watching :: Fall Television 2011

tv, television, stacked tvs
It’s that time of year again… When I share with you my inner nerd and you see how crazy addicted I am to television… It’s FALL SWEEPS!! Some people love movies (Don’t get me wrong. I love movies!), but I hate when the story ends. I love tuning in from week to week, and for some shows years on end, to follow a story line and get to know the characters… intimately. Yes, it’s like they’re REALLY my friends. So, here’s who I’ll be getting close with at the start of this years fall tv.

What I’ll be watching…

September Series Premieres

90210 | Sept 13 | CW 
Why I Watch: I really don’t know! It’s my inner 14 year old that wants to get a taste of the drama that’s missing from my life, I suppose. But, I love every minute of it.
Ringer | Sept 13 | CW | NEW SERIES
Why I’ll Watch: It’s stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, and I’m a huge Buffy fan! Plus, it’s about twins, assumed identity, the feds, and mobsters. I’m in!
Parenthood | Sept 13 | NBC
Why I Watch: Because it’s funny, heartwarming, totally relatable, and I have a mad crush on Peter Krause. 
Up All Night | Sept 14 | NBC NEW SERIES
Why I’ll Watch: Because I love Will Arnett and I want to relive my son’s infant years in a totally honest way!
The Vampire Diaries | Sept 15 | CW
Why I Watch: Hot Vampires. What else do you need?
The Secret Circle | Sept 15 | CW NEW SERIES
Why I’ll Watch: Honestly. I’m just a sucker for CW shows, especially when it involves witches and teenage drama. I know.  
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia | Sept 15 | FX
Why I Watch: Not only am I a Philly native, but regardless of where the show is filmed, it has me laughing out loud every episode. Two words: Charlie Day. 
The Biggest Loser | Sept 20 | NBC
Why I Watch: I cry. I get motivated. I get wrapped up in the contestant’s personal growth. I just love this show because it’s so full of hope! 
New Girl | Sept 20 | FOX NEW SERIES
Why I’ll Watch: I’m not sure if I’ll love this show, but Zooey Deschanel is so adorable that I have to give it a shot. 
Grey’s Anatomy | Sept 22 | ABC
Why I Watch: It’s just a good dose of doctor drama with a bunch a people with no boundaries, who are completely unprofessional. Totally my kind of show!
Gossip Girl | Sept 26 | CW
Why I Watch: Fashion, Drama, & Chuck Bass. That about sums it up! 

October Series Premieres

Dexter | Oct 2 | SHO
Why I Watch: It’s a totally twisted show where a serial killer is the hero. Plus, it just keeps getting better and better each season!
Grimm | Oct 21 | NBC NEW SERIES
Why I’ll Watch: I’m SUPER EXCITED about this one. It’s from the Excecutive Producers of Buffy & Angel. It’s involves storybook creatures, mystical powers passed down through generations, and dark witty humor! I am most excited about this! 
Once Upon A Time | Oct 23 | ABC NEW SERIES
Why I’ll Watch: It’s from the creators of LOST and it involves fairy tales. Hello!  

So this is what I’ll be watching this fall… Yes… All of it. And, in a sad admission, this doesn’t even include my reality television watching. But, I have one rule for new shows that I think everyone should live by: Give it at least 2 to 3 episodes before you give up on a new series. The first episode sometimes doesn’t capture you because they’re too busy introducing the characters and helping you understand the direction of the show. If the second or third episode doesn’t capture you… feel free to give up. But, a REALLY good show gets you in the pilot episode.


So…. What will YOU be watching this fall? 

beth dotolo hello splendor pulp design studiosimage via Naturae
